"After silence, that which comes nearest to expressing the inexpressible is music."
-Aldous Huxley

Now available: Urbana - Awayland
Click the button below to purchase via Pay Pal. Price includes domestic shipping via media mail.
"...without a doubt, the best offering from the large Brooklyn underground I've heard in recent memory."
"Each of the eight songs here seems to come a very different place, yet they still sound connected by a singular spirit or direction. Let's welcome Urbana to the burgeoning progressive, impossible-to-pigeon-hole local scene with their outstanding debut!"
-Bruce Lee Gallanter, Downtown Music Gallery
"...a wonderfully warm album with a strong group dynamic, which allows it to keep a band identity while moving through different settings. At the same time, the diversity of instrumental voices keeps the tunes sounding fresh."
-Kurt Gottschalk, New York City Jazz Record